Patrick James Newby -

The drive for my work comes by way of wanting to create a suitable lens to look into the ever growing void of complexity that our corporeal reality reveals itself to be; without the fear of being swallowed up by it.

The rapidity of change within the now digital world and its stripping effect on the soul can only be assuaged by the grounding of intentional works that tether us to something deep and real. Sometimes this ‘real’ will not always be comforting in its imagery or concept, but its solace comes from its tangible, physical form and unique, human genesis.

I prefer utilitarian mediums for my work, choosing predominantly to work with mild steel as it has the unusual material property of being able to appear both conceptually and physically cold or warm depending on finish or portrayal.

Now that we have entered an age of compelling falsity, I strive to ensure my work remains clearly constructed by human hands in the hope that the scratches and marks of production can provide a bridge to bring those lost in a world of vast scale back to something honest in its inception and telling in its reflection.